Friday, August 29, 2008

So Who'll it Be?

It's been a great three weeks of Hollywood-free TV, first with 2 amazing Michael Phelps-powered Olympic weeks, then with a great week of civic showmanship with the Democratic convention.

I find myself jumping back and forth with who I really relate to...(Glen Beck and Bill Maher equally make me fear for the future of the country...let's just hope the actual politicians never get as partisan as either of them) I am not a litmus-test kind of voter, just try to pick a stronger portfolio. So I always look forward to election season as a time to do some window shopping, take ideas for test drives, and see where I end up on election day. I found myself going back and forth until I actually walked into the voting booth in each of the last two elections. Probably will be the same with this one.

I'm intrigued with Palin as VP -- will be interesting to see how that one plays out. If the Republicans can put on a show half as polished, well-orchestrated, or moving as the dems (Ted Kennedy! Hillary! BILL! Al! Biden! Barack!) then it will be a great week of TV.


- said...

I'd like to see Beck and Maher each moderate a debate. WooHoo TV would be fun then.

The thing that's made me sad over the course of the last year to year and a half is seeing both of these candidates change their stances from what got them to where they are in the first place to something that tows the line of their respective parties.

I really thought we could get some change out of our candidates a year ago. Now, I'm kindof disgruntled that it's Washington as usual for both parties.

That said, Go Obama.

And, Palin is a liar, from everything I've heard (lobbyists, and it wasn't her that stopped the road to nowhere). Plus her voice is graaaaaating on my nerves.

Back on point, though. I'd like to see the debates moderated by someone who will ask hard questions. I'd like a poll of America... Give us a 100 question form to fill out. Have us rate the things that matter the most from 1-100. Make them talk about those.

Jesse said...

Palin's awesome. Obama bores me. He gives a great speech but he really fumbles when he's impromptu. I relate to McCain better. I guess that's cause I'm an old white conservative male who was in 'nam.

- said...

Let's see those debates, eh?

Drill, baby, drill!


Jesse said...

Yep let's see 'em. My prediction: the VP debates will be very closely watched, and will be mostly benign. Both sides will claim victory. Palin won't make any major blunders and Biden won't come off like an arrogant pedantic arse. So it will be a tie.

The Presidential debates may be more interesting. The more structured they are, the more they favor Obama. The more informal, McCain gets the edge.

Either way it's going to be a horse race from here until the end. I think some of the shine is off of Obama's apple right now...especially when he's in attack mode: he just doesn't do it very eloquently or very convincingly. I'm sure I'll change my mind a few times by the time we reach Nov 4, but today I'd probably vote McCain/Palin.

Jesse said...

I'm back on the fence. I don't like McCain's tax plan (got more info now it looks crazy) and Obama is more likely to back Boeing in the Air Force Tanker contract than McCain, which would mean $40B of contracts flowing into the company just 15 miles from my house...