Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bravo Boys!

For their first shot at national attention, on the Late Night stage, I'd say Okkervil River did themselves quite proud. You can tell these guys have been playing together for a while and recently came off a 18+ month tour (which was the fodder for their new album The Stage Names - a concept album of sorts about life as a rock'n'roller). It's always a true test of a band to see if they can actually sound good in these 1-set talk show venues. I say these guys pulled it off. And I'd say Conan agrees with me.

So what are we thinking about all these "indie" bands all over the place these days? A topic for another day. For now, I'll just be happy that there's great music out there to compete with the spears's and timberlakes and all the other junk out there.


- said...

I think I need to listen to an album to be able to get through the singer's voice.

Also, I think it's cool that Jack Black is playing drums for them.

Jesse said...

Yeah he really only shrills it up on this one song. Which makes it a stand-out song when you listen to the album. It's the opener for the concept album. There's a really sweet mellow track sang to his (someone's) little girl...track 4 I think that I'm sure would make you and the Robot tear up a little.

Dylan Todd said...

Hmmm. I may have to pick this up on vinyl.

Ben, yeah, I've never been entirely sold on his voice either. I have their previous release, Black Sheep Boy and I liked the album, but his voice didn't bowl me over. It's a little too emo for me, but, we'll see.

Jesse, as far as the whole indie explosion thing, hey, the more the merrier, I say. As far as the competition thing, I dunno. For whatever reason, bad music will always win. Like the Flaming Lips say, "evil will prevail." It's a sad fact, but a fact nonetheless.

Songs about little girls always get me. I seriously almost have to pull over if Ben Folds' "Gracie" comes up on shuffle. It's debilitating in its sweetness. At least to this "girl dad."