Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More Creativity in his Pinky...

So ryan adams was in a seattle radio station last friday doing a promo for his new album. they were talking about how Adams was pretty much a spoiled jerk the last time he was in-studio (about 10 yrs ago in his enfant-terrible Whiskeytown days) and how Adams has finally gotten sober. Also talked about the songwriting process and how for Adams "it kinda just falls out". Adams said," I guess I owe you one...how about if I write a song right now," so they got all the equipment set up, he grabbed a guitar, and on the spot put together a full-length song (lyrics, music, verses, chorus, rhyme schemes...and plenty of explitives) right there on the spot. Not exactly top of the pops quality, but definitely not a "Whose Line is it Anyway" Franken-song either. The station recorded it and now it's the #1 single every morning in the "battle of the new singles" contest they have at 8am. It's actually on YouTube now:

Admittedly not one of his finest, but definitely not bad for 5 minutes notice. Let's hope this doesn't end up on a future album...

But man this guy can put a song together.

1 comment:

- said...

I'm surprised it hasn't shown up on one of his albums...